Clay Sculptures

Use clay sculptures to support children in connecting common and uncommon natural resources with each other. Children experience freedom when using clay to create according to their own imagination and do not depend on bought materials as they use natural resources from their environment. Providing opportunities for children who might prefer to work without interaction and communication.

Fruit People

Fruit people links into many curriculum areas such as role play, language development, fine motor skills and care for our environment.

Things that I love

The Early learner will be encouraged to depict a simple drawing of what they love or what they think love is, using pencils, crayons or pastels.

Creative Water Play


There is so much to discover all around us! This seemingly easy learning opportunity has endless opportunities! As Maria Montessori once said, “the child, making use of all that he finds around him, shapes himself for the future.” Materials For this activity you will need: Bowl / container Flowers and leaves Wooden spoon, jug and […]

Construction with Natural Resources

We all love the smell of freshly baked treats. This interactive playdough baking activity will help children use their imagination, coordination and will encourage older children practice gross and fine motor skills. Sprinkle a little spice into the dough and no one will know that it’s playdough!