Clay Sculptures
Use clay sculptures to support children in connecting common and uncommon natural resources with each other. Children experience freedom when using clay to create according to their own imagination and do not depend on bought materials as they use natural resources from their environment. Providing opportunities for children who might prefer to work without interaction and communication.
Let’s Get Moving – Circle Time Preschool Activity
There is so much to discover in movement! Children will love this engaging circle time movement preschool activity! Materials For this activity you will need: Movement Wheel (see video below) Brad Fastener Learning Goals With this activity you will learn the following skills: Understand and follow instructions using their bodies to express themselves Use their […]
Spirograph Drawings
This preschool activity supports gross motor skills and body co-ordination, while incorporating learning opportunities creative and abstract work.
Nature-Sensory Path
Children will learn and observe similarities with themselves when exploring the basic needs of animals and plants.