Before TeachKloud, Tiny Tots Childcare relied on print out sheets after finding other nursery management software hard to use and uninviting. After deciding to trial TeachKloud, Tiny Tots Childcare found that they saved 2 – 4 hours per day plus also saving on ink, paper and photocopying costs.
Teachkloud has put our service on another level. In terms of sharing with parents, developing that parent/teacher relationship, parents being able to feel part of their child’s day, and knowing what they are doing/learning and who they are playing with. Seeing a picture of your child on Teachkloud during the day at work, is so much more reassuring than a quick phone call to the service on their lunch break.
As a manager it has freed up my time considerably to concentrate on other areas of the service, as my staff are in control of communicating with their parents, and showing what a wonderful job they are doing each day in class. During lockdown, my staff were able to communicate with their children still, and now we are back, and not able to allow parents into the building, we find that relationship with the parents and communication is stronger than ever.
This further education college for ECCE professionals found it hard to engage and excite students whilst managing rapid changes within the sector. They relied on hand written observations that dominated time and had never used a dedicated management software developed for the Early Years industry before. They say…
TeachKloud has helped professionalism with the class as observations are uniform. Students are well equipped when going into the workplace as they have used this technology.
It focuses students, they understand observations better including how to link them to aistear. It also gives students the opportunity to be self directed as they can navigate TeachKloud themselves. We use the library section, health and safety, record keeping piece as well as observations.
The Cottage Kids Play Group struggled to manage their time, relying on staff completing work, observations, admin and box ticking after hours. They had designed their own process and frameworks in word documents which worked for a while, but quickly became overrun. They were looking for a more sophisticated way to share with parents and monitor milestones for children.
We have a lot more daily contact with parents and then they get to see what the children have done that day/week. The [parent] app will make it more obvious that something is on their child’s file as opposed to having to go to their email to see notification.
TK has made it easier for newer staff to become confident in linking with Aistear’s aims and goals and to get going by writing Learning stories.
The team at Giggles Nursery would describe themselves as non-technical but can always contact TeachKloud when they need to!
We are not very technical but the support is always prompt and any questions we have are answered. I don’t know why we didn’t use TeachKloud sooner!
Clever Clogs Pre School were challenged with balancing a fulfilling emergent learning curriculum/learning experience with the need to meet regulations, inspections and operational requirements of running an early years centre. Previous software had improved parent experience but did make staff workload even harder. TeachKloud changed that and they now anticipate to save 1 -2 hours every day.
Teachkloud has helped greatly especially with Learning Stories, Daily records, logging in and out and Risk assessments. There are other options with TK that we haven’t fully bought into yet, on the accounts side, Curriculum planning, Broadcasting but we hope to get more into that this year.
We as staff love it and the parents and children really engage with it too.
Prior to TeachKloud management’s biggest challenge was feeling prepared for inspections and on-top of all their paperwork as they previously had never used any dedicated Early Years Management software. This manual process was taking them 2 hours, which they’ve since reclaimed since using TeachKloud.
Learning stories can be done straight away with pictures attached, lesson plans are easier to do and attendance. It cuts down on paper records which take up alot of space and time.
It has given me confidence with inspection with a click of a button the information is there instead of sieving through folders. It’s an efficient way to work.
I love it as I feel I can keep on top of things, my parents love it as they can see their child’s progress