Lesson Plan Software – Educator Pal

Educator Pal – Innovative, Inspiring Lesson Planning Software To Invigorate Early Years

TeachKloud’s intelligent platform is a comprehensive toolbox. Designed and developed by early years experts to combat the most labour intensive and paper consuming tasks within the early years service or the day to day management of your business; TeachKloud’s lesson plan software is here to help.

Efficient Early Years Lesson Planning & Learning Journals

TeachKloud’s lesson planning software is designed for educators to maximise their time in and out of session. Plan seasonal or topical lessons in advance, adhere to key developmental categories and change up your ideas quickly and easily when you need to.

Using our comprehensive pre school management software, teachers are able turn noted plans into digital blueprints for play and learning. Meet the needs and feed the emerging interests of all children with TeachKloud’s centralised lesson planning and learning journal software.