There is so much to discover in nature!
Self-discovery in movement and play!
- Space
- Timer (intervals of 30 seconds with 15 seconds of rest)
- Music of the children’s choice
- Infographic (below)
Learning Goals
- Engage, explore and experiment in their environment and with their bodies
- Engage in movement and move to music. Listen and respond to instructions, while playing within a group of their peers.
Process Description
Step 1
Explain that we will be moving around the room today! Create space and have everyone stand in a circle.
Step 2
Explain that you will do the movement (no music) and then it will be their turn to do as many of the movement that you do as possible when the music starts playing. When the music stops playing they freeze and take a 15 second rest
Step 3
Look right for a list of sample movements – add your own and work with the children to see what movements they come up with!
What shapes can we make with our bodies? What shape are you making? For example, while the music is playing make a triangle, once the music stops, freeze in your shape.
Reflective questions
- What could have been better?
- How did I scaffold children’s learning?
- Could I have adapted the learning opportunity to reflect all children’s needs, abilities and interests
Looking and responding
Encourage the children to express how they feel or dance without saying a word. Listen and observe to see what questions are asked or comments made by the children.
Author Bio
TeachKloud is a cloud-based management platform for early childhood educators and parents!