TeachKloud was created by an early childhood educator! We are champions and advocates for the early childhood profession, children and their families. Preview our preschool resources below!
Video Science Experiments for Preschoolers
Are you looking for an engaging science preschool activities and videos? Amazing! You’ll love our science videos and activities!
This videos series offers 10 fascinating learning opportunities using natural materials, loose parts and man-made objects. Educators and parents can use these techniques in any learning environment.
Incorporating Mindfulness Activities into Your Preschool
This mindfulness webinar introduced educators to mindfulness and provides practical strategies on incorporating mindfulness into learning opportunities!
TeachKloud helps early childhood educators reduce paperwork, implement high-quality learning experiences for children and their families through our easy to use management, communication and compliance app!
“Our mission is to support educators in providing quality early childhood learning experiences for children, no matter who they are or where they come from”