There is so much to discover all around us!
This seemingly easy learning opportunity has endless opportunities! As Maria Montessori once said, “the child, making use of all that he finds around him, shapes himself for the future.”
- Bowl / container
- Flowers and leaves
- Wooden spoon, jug and cups
- Dried lavender and herbs
Learning Goals
- Engage, explore and experiment in their environment and use new physical skills including skills to manipulate objects and materials
- Learn about the natural environment and through our sense (touch and smell)
- Nature awareness: collecting, sorting and grappling with natural materials
Process Description
Creative Water Play
Water play is a great way to encourage toddlers to practice fine motor skills such as pouring, sprinkling and stirring. All you need is a bowl or tub of water and the possibilities are endless!
Children can use their nature treasures to make potions or flower soup. Add a small amount of food colouring or poster paint to colour the water. Use dried lavender or flower petals for fragrance- perfect for sensory play.
Toddlers and preschoolers can use wooden spoons to stir, cups to fill and empty.
Use blocks with letters/writing on them to introduce literacy into the learning opportunity. Add different sized containers, so that children can begin to grapple with size, weight, measurement and space.
Author Bio
Sitting with a cuppa and playing with your toddler is the most rewarding experience, embrace these special moments! Play is a wonderful way to connect with your children, you will learn together while creating lifelong memories. ~ Katie and Kirsty Play along with us on Instagram @allthemumery