Flower-Leaf Print
Flower-Leaf Print: Connecting already experienced print-technique with nature materials. Getting used to work with different textures to create art projects.
Patch-Work Paper Design
Patch-Work Paper Design is a fantastic way to get those fine motor skills working and the imagination running wild!
5 Minute Workout: Fun Movements for Kids!
Let’s get moving!
Protected: Free Science Preschool Video Activities and eBook
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Water Experiments
Water experiments are a great way to incorporate science and scientific knowledge into preschool children’s play
Create a rainmaker using a variety of tools, such as nails for risky and challenging play.
Forest Creatures
Support children’s excitement about the natural environment with forest creatures. Fine motor skills are enhanced with endless opportunities for imaginative and curious play!
Wild Cooking
The activity is great for practicing fine motor skills, developing an appreciation of nature and the joyful use of the available resources
Let’s Get Moving – Circle Time Preschool Activity
There is so much to discover in movement! Children will love this engaging circle time movement preschool activity! Materials For this activity you will need: Movement Wheel (see video below) Brad Fastener Learning Goals With this activity you will learn the following skills: Understand and follow instructions using their bodies to express themselves Use their […]